|Commodore International sold to ESCOM Who typed it though? - Freak/NFA During the lead up to the bidding proccess it became clear that escom and associates Dell computers, would have the Financial Muscle to outbid the Commodore UK Managment Buyout team. As a result C= uk decided to withdraw from the bidding proccess and work in assosiation with Escom to give the Amiga the FULL backing it deserves and get it onto the shelves as soon as possible. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Fear that Amiga fans have had about escom's bid for the Amiga is that Escom were never interested in the further development of the Amiga Just in Term Profit's. This is now no longer the case as C= Uk are Now partner's working with escom and both have declared that the amiga development will Continue and not fizzle out. :) With stocks in the philepines now Freed you will be seing Amiga's on the shelves of Shops within a month ( Limited Supply Because Half of the stock misteriously disapeared.? ) Production of A1200's will be starting in may and the NEW Amiga 1200 will have as standard an 030.! Buy mid November you can expect to see the rumoured A1800 on the shelves with a built in CD-Rom drive 030/25mhz 2meg chip 2meg fast and a 120meg HD The price planned for the machine is £400 and is expected to sell Well.. Also in mid November The A4000/060 will be on sale with will have as standard 060 Scsii 2 Double speed CD-Rom 1Gig HD Monitor & Will retail for £2000. These are the planned Stopgap Machine's Using existing technology and Operating Systems. Don't expect to sea a risk based amiga until November 96 and that's an early estimate.! The Announcement Means that a plethora of Games That have been held Back By request from C= will shortly hit the market.. The descision to Hold back Variouse games was made to maximise sales of the Amiga when it hit the market and to Maximise the games in Question.! This means that the scene will take in a big way shortly and all You F'Ing PC Deserter's Will Realise that youv'e Made just about the most expensive mistake of your puny little Mind's.!